How to look after yourself in the run up to the big day


There is so much time invested into creating the perfect wedding day and choosing the right suppliers that it can at times be quite stressful. There is a lot to consider from the perfect wedding venue, planners, hair and makeup, the cake, the list continues. I often find that brides find it difficult to spend time looking after themselves and on their wedding day feel bloody shattered with the last few weeks of planning! so I decided to devise a list of easy every tips and changes to help you look and feel amazing in the run up to your wedding day.

Look after your skin

Beauty brands swear by their products having a huge impact on improving your skin, it can be costly and doesn’t necessarily mean you will get the results they promise. Cell turnover is happening constantly, shedding old skin for new so changing a few habits and integrating food rich in fatty acids like chai seeds, walnuts and avocados and Vitamin C which helps the production of collagen and can be found in fruit and vegetables like blueberries, strawberries, broccoli, oranges and sweet potatoes can help aid healthy turnover and improve your complexion considerably and also are essential for maintaining healthy hair.

As a past cystic acne sufferer there has been no doubt in my mind that adapting my diet and eating the right foods has been the single most effective way of improving my skin and even the scarring it caused so I wholeheartedly believe that it works!

The boring bit unfortunately is that the other way to improve skin is to cut out or cut down on alcohol especially at least two weeks before the wedding and drink plenty of water!


Look after your Hair

Like the skin, hair is also vastly improved by adapting your diet and it’s also never too late to start using the right products which doesn’t have to be expensive. These are changes which aren’t just for your wedding day, they will help, well forever!

Integrating foods which are have a good level of following will all help to maintain hair health

Vitamin E

The sun can damage our hair just like it can damage our skin so ensure you eat foods rich in vitamin E to provide protection for your hair. Nuts are nutritional powerhouses, providing zinc and selenium as well as vitamin E so try to include them as part of a balanced diet.


Omega-3 fatty acids are important fats our body cannot make itself, and therefore must be obtained through our diet. Omega-3s are found in the cells that line the scalp and also provide the oils that keep your scalp and hair hydrated. Include oily fish such as salmon, herring, sardines, trout and mackerel and plant sources like avocado, pumpkin seeds and walnuts.

Aside from adding the right foods into your diet I recommend ditching cheap shampoos for silicone and paraben free. Silicone is what makes the shampoo lather, but the downside is that it strips the hair of natural oils leaving it dry and at times brittle. Changing your shampoo and conditioner doesn’t have to be expensive. I personally use Palmers Shampoo and Conditioner which is paraben and silicone free, free of any dyes and is not tested on animals. I often towel dry or squeeze excess water out before applying the conditioner so it has a better change of penetrating the hair.

Hair oils

Another great tip is to massage an oil into your scalp once a fortnight which is a traditional way of ensuring healthy looking hair. It works by regulating the amount of oil produced by the oil gland in the skin of your head. The oil produced then moisturises the hair and the scalp. Try applying a little coconut, almond, or olive oil to your scalp and strands regularly. If you have thin/straight hair, apply an essential oil like coconut oil to your hair before shampoos and skip the regular applications.


One on the main comments that I hear from my brides when they sit in the makeup chair on their wedding morning is “please get rid of my dark circles!”. The last few weeks before the wedding can be stressful which means late nights getting the final touches ready, pouring over the seating chart, spending time with family and friends and then there’s the night before when the nerves kick in! All of these can contribute to puffy and dark eyes but fear not! There are ways to help you keep this in check. The area around your eyes is particularly sensitive so be careful when taking off eye makeup and not to scrub too hard! I use coconut oil to remove my eye makeup, it’s gentle on the skin but also notoriously very good for you too inside the body and out. Use an eye-cream which isn’t heavily overloaded with chemicals, in combination with adequate sleep! This could even mean making sure your phone switched off by a certain time so you’re not tempted to stay on it all night!

Stay clear of overly salted food days before the wedding which can also contribute to puffy eyes and dark circles.



Prep your lips for that all important kiss at the ceremony by exfoliating with a sugar scrub which you can easily make at home! I make one combining sugar, coconut oil and honey. Rub the mixture on your lips and rinse with warm water at least twice a week. Always have at hand a good lip balm, I recommend the palmers coconut oil balm as it’s cruelty free has spf 15 and is seriously lush.

Neck and Decollete

We rarely think of our neck and decollete but no doubt your gown is likely to be showing a lot of this area so don’t overlook it. This is a much more fragile area than your face though so use a gentle exfoliator and apply a light moisturiser and of course, wear sunscreen

Body and Mind

The most important thing of all is to look after your body and mind. This doesn’t have to mean exercising like a crazy person but it does help your state of mind to take time out and move your body in times of stress. If you’re like me and hate the gym, opt to go for a walk or a jog, even if it’s just around the block. It makes such a huge difference when you’re feeling a little overwhelmed as it gives you some time out and enables you to just breathe and be kind to yourself.

One of my favourite ways to unwind is to turn off the TV and listen to an uplifting podcast whilst I cook dinner. I always without fail feel more relaxed after listing to something positive and eating a healthy meal!

Avoid going on your phone after a certain time especially on social media! The addiction is real and hard it’s to stop old habits of scrolling mindlessly on Instagram in the evening after work. Smart phones were designed to make us more productive and our lives easier. They’re designed to entertain us and provide information. But when it’s time to turn off the lights and go to sleep, the last thing our brain needs is more information and more entertainment. (And that seems fair enough – we give our brains enough to think about during the day!)